When you take out a home loan, it's important to know that there are several types of guarantee available to ensure repayment of the loan in the event of your defaulting. The mortgage guarantee is the...
The support available from the state for buying a property includes support from local authorities (support offered by the regions, départements and communes), for example the Prêt Paris Logement (for...
The districts of Nice in which to invest are Vieux-Nice, because it is a historic district with atypical and narrow architecture. This tourist area of Nice is full of charm and very lively both day and...
Credit insurance protects the borrower and his or her family. If the borrower is no longer able to pay the monthly instalments, the guarantees will be put in place to cover them. The bank will then be...
The true cost of credit is an important factor to take into account when considering applying for a loan. To calculate the true cost, you need to take several factors into account.Firstly, there's the...
The debt ratio is the proportion of a household's income devoted solely to repaying property loans or consumer credit. It is an important criterion when applying for a mortgage.It corresponds to fixed...
The choice of buying new or old depends on individual tastes and plans. They meet different expectations.Buying a new-build property involves having a house built to plans or buying a new-build property...
In France, the average length of time a property is held is around 7 years.And this is often less for first-time buyers, whose family situation changes relatively quickly. So you need to ask yourself whether...
Short-term rental platforms such as Airbnb, Booking, Tripadvisor, etc. offer owners great flexibility when it comes to the length of the rental period. The minimum rental period is one night, while the...
The role of a broker when buying a property is to help future buyers define their project by analysing their financial, professional and family situation. They tell customers how much they can borrow and...
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